
The Yoga of a Broken Ankle

"Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself." - Parmahansa Yogananda

Have you ever questioned why certain events happen in your life? Life has an interesting way of presenting experiences to facilitate growth. It's through experience, and often suffering, that leads to a greater sense of connectedness and compassion. Each person has his or her own unique set of events that fosters spiritual awakening. My new learning experience is living with a broken ankle.

Last week, I broke my ankle while jogging outside on a beautiful Sunday morning. I was listening to music on my phone and looked the other way to check for traffic. In that brief moment of not paying attention, I came tumbling down to the ground in pain. 

I knew I broke my ankle. I had a sick nauseating pain in my stomach. Twenty minutes later, I was in the ER. My ankle swelled rapidly and it turned black and blue. I was diagnosed with a nondisplaced distal fibula fracture. It's the bone on the outer part of the leg that bears up to 20% weight. The ER doctor put me in a splint and two days later I met with an orthopedic surgeon. I was given a walking cast for 30 days and either a walking boot or surgery after if it doesn't heal well.

One instant can alter the course of your life. I thought I was visiting family for the weekend and returning to Miami to teach yoga that Sunday. But other plans were in store for me. 

The first week was emotional. My way of life changed and simple tasks were no long simple.  At some point, I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. But if there is anything that my yoga practice has taught me is that the only way to maintain peace is to go within. Yoga isn't just the poses you see in classes. It's a way of existing in this world.

This world is filled with suffering. It is part of the human experience. This is also a noble truth in Buddhism. It is often referred to as dukkha or that which is incapable of being satisfied. So why do we suffer? We suffer because things don't go our way and desires go unfilled. 

It's so easy to stay in this place of despair. On day six, I was alone and in my apartment. I started to cry and felt utterly hopeless. Will I ever fully recover? Will I teach yoga again? Then the dog came in and looked at me with her sweet brown eyes, and I remembered.

I remembered that life is worth living in the present moment. I remembered that everything in this life is temporary. I remembered that I had so much to be grateful for. I remembered that regardless of what happens externally, I am in control of my inner peace. I got out of bed. Using my crutches, I hobbled out onto the balcony and looked at the ocean.

Yes, life is filled with suffering, but there are choices. I can choose to let worldly experiences consume me or I can choose to be in control, to have the courage to face each day with love and compassion. I can choose to live in the present moment and see the beauty in life.

So how do you live in a world with pain and suffering? Choose the present moment. See the beauty before you, and the future will take care of itself.

Peace + Love,


Three Books that Inspired Me to Practice Yoga

If you looked around my bedroom right now, you would notice piles of books stacked on my bed, nightstand, desk, and in drawers. I even have a box of books in my car and I always have a book in my bag. It would be safe to say that I enjoy reading.

I guess it would come as no surprise that I first began exploring yoga not through the physical practice, but through books. When I returned to the United States from Rwanda in 2014, I spent the first few months resting, relaxing, and of course, reading. I took time to reintegrate into American life and yes, reverse culture shock, is a thing. As I went through this experience, I found comfort in books. But I wasn’t interested in any type of book. I no longer desired to read fiction, politics, or history. I became fascinated with the spiritual world, personal development, and Eastern philosophy. Though I have read countless books on yoga, personal development, and Eastern philosophy, these books below sparked the beginning of my journey.

Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda

“Live quietly in the moment and see the beauty of all before you. The future will take care of itself.”  - Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda was one of the first teachers from India to introduce yoga to the United States in 1920. Yogananda sailed across the ocean to participate in a religious conference in Boston. His book is a beautiful account of his spiritual path to enlightenment.

This was also the only book that Steve Jobs had on his iPad and a book that the late Beatles singer, George Harrison, had in his home to pass out to guests. It was first published in 1946. I read this book twice, the second time being easier. I, too, keep a copy on my iPhone. 

Walden by Henry David Thoreau

"The yogi, absorbed in contemplation, contributes in his degree to creation; he breathes a divine perfume, he hears wonderful things. Divine forms traverse him without tearing him, and united to the nature which is proper to him, he goes, he acts as animating original matter...To some extent, and at rare intervals, even I am a yogi."

- Henry David Thoreau

You may remember Walden from high school. It was on my required reading list for English class, but I had no idea the vast wisdom that this book contained at 15 years old. My sister had a copy and at this stage in my life, I felt compelled to read it again. Something about a man documenting his solitary experience in the woods for two years intrigued me. In 1845, Henry David Thoreau built a cabin near Walden Pond in Massachusetts to "live deliberately." For two years, he explored the divine through nature and reading, especially Eastern philosophy. He recorded his experiment on living simply in nature. Thoreau is known as the first American yogi and references yoga in his memoir. I felt connected to Thoreau and his writing. He was also the same age as I was when I first discovered yoga.

Bhagavad Gita, A Walkthrough for Westerners by Jack Hawley

The whole and sole purpose of the Bhagavad Gita, the only reason it was originally given to humanity, is to help people rid themselves of their worldly suffering, find true happiness and achieve Self-Realization." - Sathya Sai Baba

I found this book in my mother's closet and it has been one of my most treasured books of all time. Who knew that this ancient wisdom of life was tucked away in a closet?  The Bhagavad Gita (Song of God), read by millions worldwide is a beautiful story between God and man. It is a an epic Indian poem with Arjuna, the warrior, and his faithful friend, Krishna, as the main characters. Throughout this dialogue between the characters, Krishna informs man how to live beyond worldly suffering. Writing about it doesn't do it justice.  All of life's spiritual lessons can be found in this book. I keep this book close with me and sometimes I pick it up and read whatever page I turn to. If I was ever stranded alone on an island, this would be the book that I'd have with me. 

I'll be sharing a more complete list of my favorite go-to yoga books, but hopefully these will spark your interest. What books inspired you? Have you read these already? Share your thoughts and comments below!

Peace and Love,
